Fatherhood Made Easy

Gerald made fatherhood seem easy.

All parents know that kids, unlike appliances, do not come with user manuals. This means parents “learn on the job.” To help us along, we (parents) rely on our own experiences to raise our children. Gerald made this process easy because he obeyed and loved us.

Gerald loved his family and it showed. It showed in his obedience and willingness to be the best ‘big brother’ he could. He always listened to advice (even from his siblings) and incorporated whatever part of the advice he preferred into his actions as he followed his heart.

“I appreciate you, mom” was one of his sayings. He always made time to spend with his brothers and sister. As our oldest child, he always tried to set a proper example.

He didn’t argue with us. He was obedient. He loved to have fun with us. He took correction in stride. “I got you, dad!” he would often say.

I would post on his Facebook page on his birthdays and mention this very heading.

Gerald made fatherhood seem easy because he was a beautiful soul who always listened to his parents and never stopped loving his family.

It is gut-wrenching to say goodbye to him - my beautiful little boy - but say goodbye I must (for now). 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17 tells me that we will be joined together again “with the Lord.”

I love you Opilo! I’m glad that I told you those words every single chance I had - whenever you left the house, or whenever we spoke on the phone. I’m proud to have been your father and I am grateful to have had you in my life for 28 years.

I love you son and always will!

I got you (and your unborn son - Gerald Opilo Browne, Jr.), buddy!

Sleep on until that great Resurrection morning!
